The Freshwater Supper Club
The Freshwater Supper Club Foundation hosts farm to table dinners to directly benefit riparian restoration for watersheds in the northeast. Each dinner will source ingredients from farms local to the dinner location, and highlight an up-and-coming local chef that pushes the envelope on curating unique culinary dishes.
Riparian areas are vital to our public health, to wildlife habitat, and to biodiverse agricultural systems. Non-point source agricultural runoff pollution to local waterways is a leading concern for watershed degradation in the region; chemical and sediment deposition in streams eventually contaminate lakes, rivers, wetlands, coastal waters and ground waters.
Each Freshwater Supper Club Attendee will:
Receive insight to the importance of regenerative farming practices through sustainable farmer dinner introductions
Be Connected to restoration volunteer opportunities in their watershed
Be provided discounts to CSA programs for menu-featured farms
Meet other conservation foodies and participate in games, convo starters, and silent auctions throughout the night
We would love to have you for our first Freshwater Supper in November 2025 in the Great Lakes Region. Stay up to date for ticket sales to open mid-summer by subscribing to our mailing list below!